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Neighbourhood Tours are engaging, community-led events designed to foster inclusion and connect everyone in your local area, from the ground up. 


Imagine joining a resident from a marginalised group, like a person with a disability, a senior, or a single parent.  These guided walks will allow you to experience the neighbourhood from their perspective. You'll learn about their favourite spots, the facilities they rely on, and the people they interact with daily.  

While the primary goal is to gather valuable feedback for improving the neighbourhood, these walks offer a unique opportunity.  You'll gain valuable insights into the experiences of others and develop a deeper understanding of their needs.  Think of it as a way to conduct an unobtrusive "needs assessment" and "accessibility audit" disguised as a friendly walk.

Meet Your Neighbours Tours
These tours are open to everyone and will feature a different local host each time.  It could be your friendly neighbourhood doctor, a familiar hawker stall owner, or even a long-time resident you haven't met yet.  By exploring together, we can build connections and foster a stronger sense of community spirit.  

At the same time, you can gain valuable insights into the diverse skills and interests of your fellow residents.  Imagine it as a fun way to conduct "community asset mapping" without a formal door-to-door survey.


  • Help neighbours get to know one another.

  • Include marginalised members of the community without having to call out their status, but organically as part of the tours.

  • Informally and organically connect those who need support with outer locals who may be willing to help.


For more information, click here to view our poster on Neighbourhood Tours! 


Organise casual meet-and-greet events and inclusive community tours to help neighbours get to know each other. Join us as a facilitator, supporter, or learner. Let's learn new things together as a community!

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